Learn about the functionality of device missing alert.
If a device does not send any heartbeat message to the VHQ Server for a pre-configured duration, and if the device status is Active or Pending Hierarchy Assignment, then the VHQ Server will generate a Device Missing alert for this device. The default value of this preconfigured duration for the “Device Missing” alert is 24 hours and it can only be configured by the VHQ Administrator. There is currently no option to configure this duration from the VHQ GUI. If an active device does NOT communicate with the VHQ Server for 24 hours or longer, then the following are some of the possible reasons why this device is not communicating with the VHQ Server:
1. The device does not have network connectivity with the VHQ Server.
2. The device is not powered on.
3. The device has been taken offline for repair and the device status was not changed to Inactive in the VHQ GUI.
4. The heartbeat interval in the VHQ Agent is set to a value that is greater than 24 hours.
5. The VHQ Agent in the device has either been removed from the device or has not been correctly configured to communicate with the VHQ Server.
6. The device has been stolen.
The default severity level of the Device Missing alert is High and this will result in a visual notification being displayed in the VHQ GUI to all the logged-in VHQ GUI users. Additionally, all VHQ users who subscribed to receive email notification for the Device Missing alert will receive an e-mail notification of this Device Missing alert. The VHQ administrators must investigate the actual cause of the Device Missing alert for the relevant devices and then take the required corrective action and add the required notes/comments for these alerts and mark these alerts as Closed. VHQ server will generate a Device Missing alert for a device if there is no OPEN alert in VHQ of the same type for the given device.