Learn about Content Configuration to configure filename on the device and provide a device file location.
You must make the following configurations in the VHQ GUI, prior uploading the content files. The content configuration specifies the filename on the device and the location on the device for the content files.
If you are unable to add/delete entries in the Content Configuration section on VHQ GUI, please verify if the VHQ role that is associated with your VHQ login, has the full rights for the Content Configuration action.
Go to the Administration > Content Configuration.
You can add file name on the device. You must specify the name of the content file as it should reside in the device, along with a user friendly name for this file and an optional description for this file. If multiple content files have to be downloaded to devices, then you can separately specify this information for all the content files.
To add filename on the device:
You can delete the file name on the device
To delete the file name on the device:
You can add a device file location.
To add a device file location:
1. VHQ supports downloads to all the user directories on the device (Example: /home/usr1, /home/usr2, …, /home/usr16)
2. When device file location is specified, please ensure that you use the “/” separator character in the directory path in the device, such as /home/usr1/flash, and not \home\usr1.
3. To confirm the location, where the content files are to be downloaded for different Verifone devices, contact VHQ support team.
You can delete device file location.
To delete a device file location:
You can also delete multiple device file location.