Learn how to register my devices on VHQ.
How do I register my devices on VHQ? The terminal establishment, or “registration”, is the first step to establish the device’s information in the VHQ Server.
The following steps have to be performed to register a device in VHQ:
1. Boarding Device Details: Provide the device details, which include Device Model Number (like MX925), Device Serial Number and the location in the VHQ hierarchy where this device should be located. This can be done from the VHQ GUI from the "Add Devices" screen. It is also possible for VHQ Server to automatically get this information when the VHQ Agent in a device communicates for the first time with the VHQ Server, and based on the device IP address the server can automatically place a device in a specific location in the VHQ hierarchy. Once this step is completed, device will be in "Pending Registration" state.
2. Successful Key Exchange: The VHQ Agent in a device performs the "key exchange" operation during its first communication session with the VHQ Server. Once this operation is successfully completed, the device will be in "Active" state. However, if a device was automatically boarded in VHQ and if the VHQ Server was unable to determine the exact location where the device can be placed in the VHQ hierarchy, then the VHQ Server sets the status of the device to "Pending Hierarchy Assignment" and assigns it to the root node of the hierarchy. In this case a VHQ user has to manually set the hierarchy for the device from the VHQ GUI and then the device status will automatically change from "Pending Hierarchy Assignment" to “Active”.