Learn about the multiple tabs in device profile.
A Device profile comprises of a set of attributes associated with the device. A Device profile screen has the information of the Device ID, Model, Communication History, Download History, Change History etc.
The information in the Device Profile screen is refreshed:
The device profile provides a complete set of the device information about the devices, collected directly from the device on a periodic basis.
To view the device profile screen:
Click the Device Serial Number check box in the Device Search screen.
For Carbon devices, the device information of payment device, docking station and the tablet is displayed in the Device Profile screen.
The Device Profile screen includes the following field names:
Field Name |
Description |
Model |
Indicates the model of the device. |
Serial Number |
Indicates the serial number of the device. NOTE: The serial number of both Tablet and payment devices are the same. |
Device ID |
Indicates the Device ID. |
Reference Set Name |
Indicates the reference set assigned to the device. |
VeriShield Encryption |
Indicates the VeriShield Encryption. VHQ GUI displays all the VeriShield certificates sent by VHQ Agent. |
Time Zone |
Indicates the time zone configured on the device. |
Hierarchy |
Indicates the assigned hierarchy, where the device is placed. |
Flash Available |
Indicates the available percentage of Flash memory on the device. For the Carbon devices, the flash information of both payment device and tablet are displayed in the Device Profile screen. |
Device Profile Updated |
Indicates the date and time, when the device profile information is updated. |
Diagnostic Profile Updated |
Indicates the date and time, when the device diagnostic profile information is updated. |
Last HeartBeat Received |
Indicates the date and time, when the server received the last heartbeat from the device. |
RAM Available |
Indicates the percentage of available RAM memory on the device. For the Carbon devices, the RAM information of both payment device and tablet are displayed in the Device Profile screen. |
Automatic Update Schedule |
Indicates if the device is scheduled for automatic updates. |
This icon allows you to edit the currently assigned hierarchy. |
This icon allows you to edit the currently assigned groups. |
This icon allows you to refresh the data. |
This icon allows you to delete device. |
This icon allows you to blacklist the device. |
You can perform multiple actions at Device Profile in the various tabs.
The following are the options under Device Actions window:
Tabs |
Sub Tabs |
Description |
Status |
Active |
Indicates the device active state. |
Inactive |
Indicates the device inactive state. |
Pending Registration |
Indicates the device pending registration state. |
Actions |
Blacklist |
Indicates the blacklisting device. |
Delete |
Indicates the deleting device. |
Schedule |
Content |
Indicates the scheduling content. |
Diagnostic Actions |
Indicates the scheduling diagnostic actions. |
Downloads |
Indicates the scheduling downloads. |
Edit Hierarchy |
Indicates the editing hierarchy. |
Group |
Assign Group |
Indicates the assign groups. |
Unassign Group |
Indicates the unassign groups. |
Parameters |
Edit Parameters |
Indicates the editing parameters. |
Activate Parameters |
Indicates the activate parameters. |
Software |
Software Assignment |
Indicates the software assignment. |
Software Upgrade |
Indicates the software upgrade. |
Export |
Export Device Metadata to XML |
Indicates the exporting device metadata to XML. |
Export to VRK Certificate |
Indicates the exporting data to VRK Certificate. |
The device profile consists of multiple tabs. These tabs show the additional device details. You must click on each tab to view the associated device details.
To view device profile:
Go to Device Profile screen.
The Device profile fields and their description:
Fields |
Description |
Device Details |
Indicates the device information. |
Information |
Indicates the device information. For example OS Version, VSRSponsor, Battery Voltage, Main Battery Condition Time, Manufacture Date etc. NOTE: 1. For MX9 Device Profile you can view the GUI Manager Version in Software panel. 2. MX and Vx eVo Model Device profile displays the VSRSponsor. 3. Main Battery Condition Time: Indicates the last condition date of the battery. 4. Manufacture Date: Indicates the actual date when the device was manufactured (Vx devices). 5. For Carbon devices the payment and tablet device information is displayed in separate section. |
Custom Identifiers |
Indicates the additional parameters sent by the device, which are defined by the customers. |
Software Status |
Indicates information on applications configured on server and actual applications on devices that are displayed at the bundle level, for all devices except MX devices. For MX devices, application level details are accessed by clicking on the View Details link. Click on “View Details” link in “Details” column to view the Application Details. |
Software |
Indicates the application and OS of the device. NOTE: In the case of a MX9 device, the VHQ Agent can query the MX OS to get a list of all packages that are installed in this device. In the case of a MX8 device, the VHQ Agent can query the MX OS to get a list of just the usr1 packages that are installed in this device using the ipkg tool. However, since it is also possible to install packages in a MX8 device without using the ipkg tool, the VHQ Agent cannot get a list of such packages that were not installed using the ipkg tool. In the case of a MX8 device, if there are usr1 packages that were not installed using the ipkg tool, then it is possible to define the application name and application version of one such application in the config.usr1 file, as explained below. The section name and label name given below are both case sensitive. Application Name: Section – perm Label – vpappname Application Version Section – perm Label – vpappversion NOTE: For MX8 Device Profile you can view the GUI Manager Version in Information panel. For Carbon devices the payment and tablet device information is displayed in separate section. |
Parameter |
Indicates Edit Template Assignment, Edit Parameters Activate, Restore All to Template, and Parameters Sync Status details. Edit Template Assignment: Click Edit Template Assignment to view and select the templates listed for that application. Edit Parameters: Click Edit Parameters to view and edit the parameter values. The user has an option restore the values to default or to the template value. Activate: Click to activate the parameters to download. NOTE: Once the user has configured the Parameters and Activated the changes, VHQ evaluates, builds and downloads a Parameter file that contains the Parameters and their values. Restore All to Template: Click to restore all the values to template values. Parameters Sync Status: Click to view the Parameter Synchronization status for each parameter file for Application. |
Ports |
Indicates connectivity information of the device. |
Encryption Keys |
Indicates encryption details of the device. |
Swap History |
Indicates the device swap history. |
Connected Devices |
Indicates the details of the connected device contacting the main device. The connected (peripheral) device details include Device Serial Number, Device Model and Last Contact Date. This attribute is related to both UX 300 and Carbon device model. |
Relocation/Status History |
Indicates the device relocation and status history. |
Communication History |
Indicates the device details of the past communication and logs. |
History |
Indicates the device communication history. |
Contact |
Indicates the contact period and HeartBeat count information. |
Download |
Indicates the device past download details and logs of Scheduled, Successful and Failed attempts. |
Indicates the Verishield Remote Key details. |
Change History |
Indicates the device details of the changes, such as Source, devices status change, date changed and modified. |
Alerts |
Alerts generated for that device are displayed. The search can be narrowed by providing alert name, severity and status of the alert as search criteria. Details of the alerts such as received date, raised date severity, alert status, closed by, closed date and notes are displayed. |
Diagnostic Profile |
Indicates the diagnostic profile of the device. |
Diagnostic Data |
Indicates the diagnostic information of the device. |
Process Data |
Indicates the details of processes running on the device. |
Process File Handlers |
Indicates the details of the process file handles. |
Diagnostic Actions |
Indicates the details of past diagnostic actions that were scheduled, along with the status of each diagnostic action. If device uploaded any file to the VHQ server as part of this diagnostic action, then the link to download this file is also provided. By default, this diagnostic action information is retained up to 365 days, and this data retention period can be configured by VHQ administrator. |
Content |
Indicates the details the past content information like scheduled download dates and status. |
Docking History |
Indicates the device details of the dock stand such as serial #, Model, Dock in Date, Dock in Battery Level, Dock Out Date, Dock Out Battery Level,` and Last Heartbeat. |
Custom Attributes |
Indicate the user can enter any additional information about the device in this field. NOTE: The user can assign labels to the custom fields under the option Administration > Estate Administration > System Configuration. |
Groups Assigned |
Indicates the group assigned to the device. |
Application Attributes |
Indicates the descriptive elements of the application. NOTE: It contains the application name value pairs sent by applications running on the device. The Application Statistics collection: provides the ability for Applications to register with VHQ Agent and send application statistics (Name-Value pairs) to VHQ Server. This data is displayed in VHQ UI and can be used for application diagnostics and analysis. |