Managing Roles - Managing Security Groups

Managing Security Groups

The security groups provide an efficient way to assign access to the users. The User Administration feature enables you to create a security group and, then associate these users under the security group with Roles in VHQ. The user rights are assigned to security groups to determine which user of that group can do within the scope of a role. User rights are automatically assigned to the security group at the time Active Directory is installed to help administrators define a user role in the domain.

A user who is added to the Backup Operators group in Active Directory has the ability to backup and restore files and directories.

When both Authentication and Authorization modes are in Active Directory, only then Security Groups screen will be visible to the user. Only the Database support personnel will be able to add security group. When the Database support personnel add the first security group, only then the user will be able to add more security groups from UI. If a user belongs to multiple security groups, then the user will have the combined roles of all the security groups that the user is associated in VHQ.

Assigning Security Group(s)

You can assign security group(s) in the Edit Role screen under Security Groups section only when the user is added to the Active Directory.

To assign security groups:

  1. Click Add user to assign.
    2. Select the security group.
  2. Click Save.

Removing Security Group(s)

You can remove multiple security groups.

To remove security group(s):

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Under Security Groups section, click Delete role to remove.

Adding Security Group

You can add a security group.

To add a security group(s):

  1. Go to Administration > User Administration > Security Groups.
    2. Click Add user to add security group.
    3. Enter the Security group name and description. Select the Role to assign from the Roles drop-down list.
    4. Click Add.

Editing Security Group

You can edit a security group.

To edit a security group:

  1. Select a security group and click Edit user.
  2. Edit the values in Edit Security Group screen and click Save.

Deleting Security Group

You can delete multiple security group.

To delete a security group:

  1. Select the security group(s).
  2. Click Delete role.