Dashboard Widgets - Counter Widgets

The Dashboard consists of counter widgets:



Total Devices

Indicates the total number of devices boarded in the VHQ application, excluding Blacklisted devices, Pending registration and deleted devices.

Pending Registration Devices

Indicates the total number of devices that are already boarded in the VHQ but those devices have not yet communicated to the server.

Future Scheduled Devices

Indicates the number of devices scheduled for download, for next 24 hours. This count includes the number of devices with Job Status: scheduled, scheduling and schedule sent. This list doesn’t include deleted devices and blacklisted devices.

Low RAM Devices

Indicates the total number of devices with low RAM memory excluding blacklisted devices, pending registration and deleted devices.

Low Flash Devices

Indicates the total number of devices with low flash memory excluding blacklisted devices, pending registration and deleted devices.

Failed Download Devices

Indicates the total number of devices failed to download the software. This count includes the Job Status: Internal failed and Download failed.

Missing Device

Indicates the total number of devices that have not communicated to the VHQ Server during past X days (X is a threshold value and can be configured). Refer to the System Configuration section to configure threshold value.