Key Configurations

Learn about more about VRK Key Payloads, adding single or multiple VRK bundles, editing VRK bundles, deleting VRK bundles, and more about VRK certificates.

A new configuration VRK Key Payloads Deletion Threshold is introduced in Administration > Estate Configuration > System Configuration. The System Configuration screen is displayed. Select the System from the Category drop-down list. The threshold value is configured to delete VRK key payloads from VHQ server on successful download. The value is in number of days and can range from 1 to 365 days.
VRK key payloads when failed to download to the device within the specified number of days (where the days are configurable in VHQ, and a default value is of 30 days), the VHQ server will do the following:

  1. Mark the VRK download job to given device as failed due to timeout.
  2. Disable the Reschedule option for such VRK download jobs that are marked as failed due to timeout.
  3. Delete the relevant VRK key payloads from VHQ system.
  4. Add an entry in the VHQ audit log for the above operation.

A new configuration Failed VRK Key payload Rescheduling Timeout is introduced in Administration > Estate Configuration > System Configuration. The System Configuration screen is displayed. Select the System from the Category drop-down list. The number of days is configured after which the failed jobs cannot be rescheduled. The value is in number of days and can range from 1 to 30 days.


1. The VRK download feature will be supported for V/OS devices (Mx9xx, Raptor, and UX) and Vx eVo devices. This feature will be licensed as part of the license for the VHQ Diagnostics module.

2. The Key Bundles are referred as VRK Bundles in VHQ.

3. Before uploading the Bundles, you must check for the device serial number. The device must not be in deleted or blacklisted status for the Bundle to be processed.

4. You must ensure that the device file format supports .tgz and .zip files.

5. In order to process VRK Bundle for inactive devices, you must check for the system configuration Include Inactive Devices for Scheduling. Setting the flag to True will result in processing of the bundle for the inactive devices.

Adding Single or Multiple VRK Bundles

You must upload or add the VRK Bundle to VHQ to be downloaded to the device. You can also upload multiple VRK Bundles to the VHQ in a single step.

To upload or add VRK Bundle:

  1. Go to Device Management > Manage Downloads > VRK Bundle Library.
  2. Click (Add VRK Bundles) on the VRK Bundles Library screen to upload VRK bundle.
  3. On the Add VRK Bundle screen, click Browse to browse for the VRK bundle file. After selecting the VRK bundle file, the bundle name is displayed automatically in the VRK bundle name field. You can also edit the VRK bundle name.
  4. You can view the file upload progress status for the VRK Bundles.
  5. In the Add VRK Bundle screen, choose the following download Preferences:
    1. Maintenance window: Selecting this option allows you to immediately download VRK bundle to the devices. The downloaded takes place immediately in the next maintenance window. The date and time refer to the device local time.
    2. After: Selecting this option allows you to download VRK bundle after the specified duration in the next maintenance window. The date and time refer to the client GUI date and time.
      6. Enter values in the tags.

NOTE: The device file must be in proper format (.tgz and .zip files). The validation takes place on the backend server and the key payloads are validated against the device serial number and device model.

7. Click Add VRK Bundles. The VRK Bundles are uploaded to the VHQ.

The VRK Bundle Library screen lists multiple records, one for each file name and all these records can have the same bundle name. You can look into the specific file name within a specific bundle name, using the column filter feature.

VHQ allows you to upload the same VRK bundle file that was uploaded earlier with a different VRK Bundle name and adds a log VRK bundle exists with different bundle name in Import log.

However, if you try to upload the VRK bundle file that is already present in VRK library, with the existing Bundle name, VHQ doesn’t allow you to upload the file and adds a log VRK Bundle already exist in Import log.

To know the status of the file, click on Download column, under the Device Management > Import/Export > Import tab against the relevant file name.

For uploading multiple bundles, a new configuration Maximum Number of VRK Files Allowed per Upload is introduced in Administration > Estate Configuration > System Configuration. Select System from the Category drop-down list.

The configuration allows maximum number of VRK files to be uploaded into the VHQ and the value can range from 1-200 files. The value can be edited and restored. The uploading of multiple VRK Bundle files must not exceed the configured value.

To upload multiple bundles, follow Steps 1 to Step 7 as mentioned above.

Editing VRK Bundles

You can edit the VRK Bundles.

To edit VRK Bundle:

  1. Select the bundle in the VRK Bundles Library screen.
  2. Click (Edit VRK Bundles). The Edit VRK Bundles screen displayed.
  3. You can only edit the tags. Click Save to apply the changes. You can view the changes in VRK Bundles Library screen.
  4. Click Cancel to close the Edit VRK Bundles screen.

Deleting VRK Bundles

You can delete VRK Bundle.

To delete VRK Bundle:

  1. Select the Bundle(s) in the VRK Bundles Library screen.
  2. Click (Delete VRK Bundle). The Confirmation message box is displayed. Click Yes to delete the selected VRK bundle(s) or click No to close the confirmation message box.


  • Deleting the VRK Bundle with Bundle Status In Progress will completely delete the bundle.
  • Deleting the VRK Bundle with Bundle Status Processed will delete the records from bundle library.

VRK Bundle Library

The VRK Bundle Library displays all the VRK Bundles uploaded to VHQ. The screen lists the following columns mentioned below:



Bundle Name

Indicates the VRK Bundle name. By default, the VHQ use the following bundle name VRK_bundle_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS, where YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS will represent the date and time (in GMT). The VRK bundle name and VRK bundle file name must be unique.


Indicates the bundle file in .zip or .tgz format.

File Size(KB)

Indicates the bundle file size in KB format.


Indicates the tag.

Bundle Status

Indicates the processing of the VRK Bundle whether the bundle is in progress or processed.

Uploaded By

Indicates the bundle uploaded by.

Uploaded On

Indicates the file downloaded on the specific date and time.

Schedule Information

Indicates when the file is scheduled to download.


Indicates the complete detail of the bundle in the processed status.

 Click to download the bundle logs.


Indicates the bundle details. Click View Details link to view the KeyBlobCount, Success Count, Failed Count, and Pending Count.

  • KeyBlobCount: Indicates the total Key Payloads or total Key Blobs present in each Bundle.
  • Success Count: Indicates the number of successful downloads for each VRK Bundle.
  • Failed Count: Indicates the Number of failed downloads for each VRK Bundle.
  • Pending Count: Indicates the total In Progress (Pending) downloads for each VRK Bundle.

Once the VRK Bundle file is processed, the logs for the particular file are ready to be downloaded. The below screen indicates the log file.

The log file contains the VRK Bundle file that is uploaded to and processed in VHQ.

BMX_1-15-0000-8631_131137458506_log.csv– <Indicates VRK Bundle File Name>_Unique Number generated for file time in UTC_log.csv.

VRK Certificates

VRK Certificates provide an ideal authentication method for securely access of information. The security based certificates are stored on the device and extracted on device registration and post repair once VHQ agent is uploaded. The security based certificates consist of two components: the private key that is stored on the device, and the public key that is installed on the server.

VHQ Server requests for VRK Certificate on every registration (or re-registration) and stores it per device in the VHQ database. For devices that are already registered in VHQ server, and the VRK Cert of device is not stored in the VHQ database for a given device, the VHQ server collects the VRK Cert from the device during the next maintenance window.

VRK certificate is collected from the device on KEM and once every 24 hours during the maintenance window.


1. If a RSA public certificate does not exist for a specific device in VHQ server, then VHQ GUI indicates that VRK certificate has not been collected from the device.

2. The latest VRK Certificate, if present, is displayed.

Exporting Multiple Device Certificates from Device Search

You can export VRK certificate of multiple devices into a single compressed file (.zip), and specify the name of the zip file. The selection of devices for which the VRK Cert is exported, based on the VHQ search features of quick search, advanced search and column filtering in the VHQ search screen.

To export VRK Certificates:

  1. Select one or more devices for which the VRK Certificate should be exported to a zip file. Even if a single device is selected, the exported file should be in the .zip format.
  2. Go to Actions > Export VRK Certificate. This option is available only if VHQ license for Diagnostics is enabled.
  3. Enter the ZIP Name and then click Save. The request to export data is submitted to VHQ server and the VRK certificate can be downloaded.

    The request to export data is submitted to VHQ server and the VRK certificate can be downloaded from the Export tab of Import/Export under the Device Management tab. You must specify the locations for the file to be downloaded. The file is in the form of spreadsheet.


  • The exported zip file should have VRK Cert (.crt) files for all the selected devices. Each VRK Certificate file within the ZIP file must be named as “{terminal serial number}_vrk.crt”. Separate zip files with different names should be created that contain the VRK Certs for the Vx devices and Mx (V/OS) devices.
  • Since the VRK Cert information may NOT available in the VHQ server for some of the selected devices, the export wizard indicates that the created zip file will only include the VRK Cert from the devices for which this information is available. The export log file should clearly indicate the devices for which the VRK Cert information is NOT exported and NOT included in the zip file.

Monitoring the VRK Downloads

You can monitor the VRK downloads in two ways thorough:

  1. Download Job Status screen and Detailed Job Status screen- you can monitor the software download status for all the devices.
  2. Device Profile screen - you can monitor the software download details for the selected device.

VRK Download Job Status

The VRK Bundle job status provides the information on status of VRK key payloads for each device serial number. This helps you to determine the success/ failed/ cancelled/pending/in progress VRK downloads for a specific VRK Bundle.

To view the VRK download job status, go to Device Management > Manage Downloads > VRK Download Job Status screen.

The screen includes:




Indicates the device serial number.

Device ID

Indicates the device ID.

Hierarchy Path

Indicates the device hierarchy path.


Indicate the device model.

Job Name

Indicates the Job name

Job Status

Indicates the status of the job send to the device. The job status includes Cancel Requested, Cancelled, Failed, InProgress, Schedule Sent, Scheduled, Scheduling and Successful status.

Bundle Name

Indicates the VRK bundle name.

Bundle File

Indicates the VRK bundle file.

VRK Payload

Indicates the VRK payloads. The payloads contain one or more sets of key files that are to be downloaded to specific devices, as identified by the device serial number.

Download Schedule

Indicates the date and time of payloads to be scheduled for downloaded to the device.

Schedule Information

Indicates the date and time of payload downloaded to the device.

Reason For Failure

Indicates the reason for the failure of payloads to be downloaded to the device.

Submitted On

Indicates the job submitted for VRK Payload.


Indicates the job details.

Cancelling Job Schedule

You can cancel the job schedule from the VRK Download Job Status screen.

To cancel the download:

  1. Go to Device Management > Manage Downloads >VRK Download Job Status.
  2. Select the Job and then click (Cancel Download) to cancel the download.

VRK Detailed Download Status

The VRK Detailed Download status screen displays the status per device per key payload.

You can view the download status in Device Management > Manage Downloads > VRK Detailed Download Status.

The VRK Detailed Download Status screen allows you to Reschedule the VRK failed download for the devices.

NOTE: No automatic download retry option will be provided for failed VRK downloads.

To reschedule VRK failed download:

  1. Go to Device Management > Manage Downloads > VRK Detailed Download Status.
  2. Select the device.
  3. Click (Reschedule) to reschedule the VRK failed download.

You can view the download history information of the key payloads for a device in the relevant Device Profile tab.

To view the download history in Device Profile:

  1. Go to Download tab.
  2. Click Jobs to view the information on key payloads.
  3. You can also cancel the jobs from the Device Profile screen. Click (Cancel Download).

You can also Reschedule the failed downloads from Device Profile tab.

  1. Go to Download > Details. The Details section is displayed.
  2. Click (Reschedule). The Confirmation message box is displayed. Click Yes to reschedule to download or click Cancel to Close the message box.