Software Configuration - Configuring Packages

Configuring Packages

Software Package is a group of applications bundled either in a .ZIP and .TGZ formats for eVo and V/OS based devices respectively. VPI Packages (eVo) and Mx Bundles (V/OS) can be imported as Packages in VHQ. 

Software Package is a group of Applications bundled and compressed as a .TGZ or .ZIP file in a pre-defined structure. Bundles (.TGZ) for V/OS based Devices VPI Packages (.ZIP) for eVo based devices can be imported and configured as Packages in VHQ.

NOTE:  For the devices enabled for Automated Download, VHQ triggers a download in case the Applications on Server do not match with the Applications on Device. Only the packages qualified for Automated Download, are available while creating a reference set.

The VHQ users configure software packages by importing the VPI Packages and Bundles. VHQ processes these packages to extract and set up the applications. VHQ extracts the application name and version from specific metadata files based on the type of the package.

NOTE: Same Application could be packaged as part of different Software Packages.