What are the alerts sent by VHQ Agent and how do they work?

Learn types of alerts sent by VHQ Agent and their functionality.

The VHQ Agent can send alerts for the following conditions: Device Tampered, Low RAM Memory, Low Flash Memory, Device Reboots and Low Battery Voltage.
The “Alert Mask” parameter in the VHQ Agent is used to specify the “alerts” that should be sent by VHQ Agent. If a value of “0” (zero) is used in the “Alert Mask” parameter, then the VHQ Agent will not send any alerts to the VHQ Server.

Alert Type

Alert Mask Parameter value in VHQ Agent


Device Tampered Alert 1 VHQ Agent will send "Device Tampered" alert to VHQ Server when a soft tamper condition is detected in a device. A value of 1 in the "Alert Mask" parameter will enable just the "Device Tampered" alert and disable the other alerts in the VHQ Agent.
Low RAM Memory Alert 2

VHQ Agent will send "Low RAM Memory" alert to VHQ Server when the free RAM memory in the device falls below the pre-configured threshold value, as defined by the VHQ Agent parameter "free ram alert threshold" (in Kilobytes). A value of 2 in the “Alert Mask” parameter will enable just the “Low RAM Memory” alert and disable the other alerts in the VHQ Agent.

NOTE: This alert is supported only if the diagnostics feature is activated in VHQ Server.

If VHQ Agent version is 1.03.0007 or higher, then if the value specified is less than 100, then the VHQ Agent will interpret this value as a percentage, else it will interpret the value as a limit specified in Kilobytes. For example, if the value specified for “free ram alert threshold” is 30 and if VHQ Agent version is 1.03.0007 or higher, then VHQ Agent will send an alert if the free RAM memory in a device falls below 30% of the total RAM memory in the device. Once the VHQ Agent is running on a device, it will check if the free RAM memory in the device has fallen below the threshold. If yes, it will send a “Low RAM Memory” alert to VHQ Server. The VHQ Agent will then periodically check the status of free RAM memory every 10 seconds, and it will not send duplicate “Low RAM Memory” alerts to VHQ Server, unless the free RAM memory in the device momentarily goes above the threshold, and then again falls below the threshold. The VHQ Agent will always send “Low RAM Memory” alert to VHQ Server, when the device is rebooted or when the VHQ Agent is restarted, if the low RAM memory condition is detected on start-up of Agent.

Low Flash Memory Alert 4

VHQ Agent will send "Low Flash Memory" alert to VHQ Server, when the free Flash memory in the device falls below the pre-configured threshold value, as defined by the VHQ Agent parameter "free flash alert threshold" (in Kilobytes). A value of 4 in the "Alert Mask" parameter will enable just the "Low Flash Memory" alert and disable the other alerts in the VHQ Agent.

NOTE: This alert is supported only if the diagnostics feature is activated in the VHQ Server.

If VHQ Agent version is 1.03.0007 or higher, then if the value specified is less than 100, then the VHQ Agent will interpret this value as a percentage, else it will interpret the value as a limit specified in Kilobytes. For example, if the value specified for "free flash alert threshold" is 30 and if VHQ Agent version is 1.03.0007 or higher, then VHQ Agent will send an alert if the free Flash memory in a device falls below 30% of the total Flash memory in the device. Once the VHQ Agent is running on a device, it will check if the free Flash memory in the device has fallen below the threshold. If yes, it will send a "Low Flash Memory" alert to VHQ Server. The VHQ Agent will then periodically check the status of free Flash memory every 10 seconds and it will not send duplicate "Low Flash Memory" alerts to VHQ Server, unless the free Flash memory in the device momentarily goes above the threshold, and then again falls below the threshold. The VHQ Agent will always send "Low Flash Memory" alert to VHQ Server, when the device is rebooted or when the VHQ Agent is restarted, if low Flash memory condition is detected on start-up of Agent.

Device Reboots Alert 8

VHQ Agent will send "Device Reboots" alert to the VHQ Server when the device is rebooted. A value of 8 in the "Alert Mask" parameter will enable the "Device Reboots" alert and disable the other alerts in the VHQ Agent. Note: If there is a soft tamper condition in a device, then the VHQ Agent will not send the "Device Reboots" alert, rather it will send the "Device Tampered" alert, if that alert is enabled in the VHQ Agent, based on the value of the "Alert Mask" parameter.

NOTE: If there is a soft tamper condition in a device, then the VHQ Agent will not send the Device Reboots alert, rather it will send the Device Tampered alert, if that alert is enabled in the VHQ Agent, based on the value of the Alert Mask parameter.

Low Battery Alert 16

VHQ Agent will send Low Battery alert to VHQ Server if the battery voltage in the device is below the threshold voltage value, as defined by the VHQ Agent parameter Low Battery Threshold. A value of 16 in the Alert Mask parameter will enable just the Low Battery alert and disable the other alerts in the VHQ Agent.

NOTE: This alert is supported only if the diagnostics feature is activated in VHQ Server.
Once the VHQ Agent is running on a device, it will check if the battery voltage in the device has fallen below the threshold. If yes, it will send a Low Battery alert to VHQ Server. The VHQ Agent will then periodically check the status of battery voltage every 10 seconds, and it will not send duplicate Low Battery alerts to the VHQ Server, unless the battery voltage in the device momentarily goes above the
threshold and then again falls below the threshold. The VHQ Agent will always send a Low Battery alert to VHQ Server when the device is rebooted, when the VHQ Agent is restarted or when the Agent starts up it detects low battery voltage. 

Enabling Multiple Types of Alerts in VHQ Agent

It is possible to choose any combination of the above alerts that should be sent by the VHQ Agent to the VHQ Server. For example, if you prefer that the VHQ Agent should send alerts for all the events given above, then you must add the alert mask values for all the above alerts and the combined “Alert Mask” value will be 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 31 (in decimal) or 0x1f (in hexadecimal). The value of the “Alert Mask” parameter can be specified in decimal or in hexadecimal. If the value is specified in hexadecimal, then the value must be preceded with “0x”, like 0x1f, and 0x1f in hexadecimal is the same as 31 in decimal.

Generating Alerts

When VHQ Agent detects a condition for which it has to send an alert, it will immediately send an alert. However, it will not send the same alert again, unless the underlying condition that caused this alert to be sent gets cleared, and then triggered again. For example, if free RAM memory falls below the specified threshold and remains below this threshold for at least 10 seconds, then only one alert will be sent. However, if the free RAM memory increases and goes above the threshold, and then again falls below the threshold and remains in this condition for at least 10 seconds, then VHQ Agent will send another “Low RAM” alert. When VHQ Agent is restarted, it can once again send the "Low RAM Memory", "Low Flash Memory" and "Low Battery" alerts, if the underlying condition to generate these alerts is satisfied. The “Device Reboots” and “Device Tampered” alerts are only generated when a device is restarted.