How do I setup VHQ to perform Automated Downloads for a set of Devices?

Learn how to setup VHQ to perform automated download for a set of devices.

You can automate, downloading the Software updates to Device. You can Select to setup Automated downloads using multiple modes based on the way you want to manage the Software.

Automated downloads using Reference Sets

1. I want to manage Software for a number of devices that are configured in a specific hierarchy in a Central location.
2. I want manage Software for the Devices to be added to a specific Hierarchy in the future.
3. I want to manage Software only for the Devices of specific Hardware Model and that match specific criteria.

You will not be able to manage the Application Parameter configurations on VHQ using this mode.


1. Setup the Packages on VHQ.
2. Identify the Packages that need to be setup for automatic Downloads. Packages are in the form a .TGZ file for V/OS based devices or .ZIP for eVo based devices.
3. Import the Packages to VHQ.

Packages with control files (for V/OS devices) and manifest files (for eVo packages) qualify for Automated Downloads. These files contain the version information of the Applications in the Package.

4. Configure a Reference Set by including the required Packages.
5. Assigns the Reference Set to the Hierarchy node (where the Devices are located).
6. All the Devices in the Hierarchy inherit the Reference Set.
7. You have an option to assign specific Reference Set to specific Devices. In this case Device doesn’t inherit the Reference Set assigned for the Hierarchy.
8. The device periodically reports the version of the Software on Device.
9. VHQ detects and downloads the Software in case the version of the Software setup on VHQ doesn’t match the version of the Software on Device.

The topics covered under this section are:

1. What are Automated Downloads?
2. What are Packages?
3. How do I Import Packages?
4. What are Reference Sets?
5. How do I configure Reference Sets?

Automated downloads using Packages

1. I want to manage Software by individual Device.
2. I want to manage the Application Parameter configurations on VHQ.


1. Setup the Packages on VHQ.
2. Identify the Packages that need to be setup for automatic downloads. Packages are in the form a .TGZ file for V/OS based devices or .ZIP for eVo based devices.
3. Import the Packages to VHQ.

Packages with control files (for V/OS devices) and manifest files (for eVo packages) qualify for Automated Downloads. These files contain the version information of the Applications in the Package.

4. The user assigns the Packages to a Device.
5. The user has option to assign Packages for individual Devices or multiple Devices using Device Search.
6. The device periodically reports the version of the Software on Device.
7. VHQ detects and downloads the Software in case the version of the Software setup on VHQ doesn’t match the version of the Software on Device.
Refer Automated Downloads.

Manual Downloads

The user manually downloads the required Software to a selected set of Devices.
1. I want to force a Software download to a specific set of Devices irrespective of the Software already available on the Device.
2. I want to test the specific new Software by downloading to a smaller set of specific Devices.
3. I want to download Software during a specific period of time.


1. The user creates a new Download Job.
2. The user selects the Packages to be downloaded.
3. The user selects the Devices to which the Packages need to be downloaded.
4. The user defines the timelines – when the Packages should be downloaded.
5. The user can monitor the status of Download Jobs at Job level and status of Downloads for each Package in a Download Job.

Refer Manual Download.