Learn how to define and change the maintenance window.
The “MaintenanceStart” and “MaintenanceEnd” parameters are used to specify the start and end of the maintenance window in the device. The format of the value is HHMM, where HH is in the 24 hour (00-23) format and MM is in minutes (00-59). For example, if an MX device is available for maintenance activities [like downloading updates between10 pm (2200 hours) and 6 am (0600 hours)], then MaintenanceStart can be set to “2200” and MaintenanceEnd can be set to “0600.” The default values for MaintenanceStart and MaintenanceEnd parameters are 2200 hours and 0600 hours respectively. The VHQ Agent will download and install the updates only during the maintenance window, unless a package is configured from the VHQ GUI to be downloaded on the next heartbeat or at a specific time. In order for this maintenance window concept to work properly, the clock time in the MX devices must be set to the correct local time either manually or by using the clock synchronization feature in the VHQ.
By default, the maintenance window that is defined using the “MaintenanceStart” and “MaintenanceEnd” parameters are for all days of the week. If you prefer the maintenance-window related tasks be performed on only specific days of the week, then you can specify the required days of the week by using the “MaintenanceDays” parameter.MaintenanceDays - Maintenance Days for the device. Concatenate the following strings together or use * for all days:
• Su – Sunday
• M – Monday
• Tu – Tuesday
• W – Wednesday
• Th – Thursday
• F – Friday
• Sa – Saturday
Maintenance days on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday would be “MTuThF.”
Even if the maintenance days are specified in VHQ Agent using "MaintenanceDays" parameter for certain days of the week, you still need to ensure that you don't schedule packages from the VHQ GUI to get downloaded and installed on the non-maintenance days.
If the VHQ Agent is configured to NOT perform maintenance tasks on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday of all weeks, it only means that VHQ Agent will not send "Maintenance Heartbeats" on these days to VHQ server. However, the VHQ Agent can still download and install packages on these non-maintenance days, if packages are configured in the VHQ GUI to be downloaded and installed on these days.