Editing User
You can edit a user.
To edit a user:
- Go to Administration > User Administration > Users.
- Select a user and click
to edit a user.
- You can edit the values in the field and also set user alerts. However, you can change the role assigned to the user in the edit screen.
- Click Reset Password button to reset the password. This button is present when one of the users in the user list is selected for editing by double clicking that user name. A user with the required User Admin right can reset the password for any user. If an e-mail address is present in this user's profile a new temporary password is sent via e-mail to this user; else the temporary password is displayed on the screen, for the administrator to communicate to the user.
- Click Activate to apply the changes.
Activating User
The user with an Inactive status can be activated.
To activate a user:
- Go to Administration > User Administration > Users.

- Select a user with and click
- On the edit screen, click Activate.
Deactivating User
You cannot delete a user, but you can deactivate an account so a user can no longer log in to the application. Consider the following while deactivating users:
- Deactivated users lose access to any records that were manually shared with them, or records that were shared with them as group members. However, you can still transfer their data to other users, and view their names on the Users page.
- Deactivated users are removed from the default account and group of other users. The deactivated users' default account and group are not removed.
- If a user in a group has Read/Write access and is deactivated, then the access will default to Read Only if the user is reactivated.
- You can't deactivate a user selected in a custom hierarchy field.
- When a delegated external user administrator deactivates a portal user, the administrator doesn't have the option to remove the portal user from any teams that user is a member of.
- Subscription information cannot be restored if you deactivate multiple users that are following each other. For example, user A follows user B and user B follows user A. If you deactivate user A and user B, their subscription information to each other is deleted from Following and Followers lists, and can’t be restored if you reactivate the users.
- It's possible for inactive users to be listed as Created By users even though they are no longer active in an organization.
- You can’t deactivate a user if they’re assigned as the sole recipient of a workflow e-mail alert.
To deactivate a user:
- Go to Administration > User Administration > Users.
- Select a user and click
to deactivate user.