Alerts - Open Alerts

Open Alerts

The Open Alerts option can be used to generate a report of all open alerts in the VHQ system, and it also has an option to close one or more of these open alerts.

This report has a filter condition for the Alert Type field. To generate all types of alerts, the value All Alert Types must be selected from the Alert Type drop-down list, else the required alert type should be selected from the Alert Type drop-down list.

The supported alerts are:

The following alerts are supported only if the VHQ Diagnostic module is licensed. To create custom alerts, contact VHQ Support.

  • Low Battery
  • Low Flash Memory
  • Low RAM Memory

NOTE: Alerts that are in the OPEN state will get automatically purged from the VHQ system after 90 days have elapsed from the date these alerts were generated. This purge duration is a configurable value and you should check with your VHQ administrator if you want to change this duration or if you want to verify the current purge duration for alerts in the OPEN state.

To view open alerts:

  • Go to Device Management > Manage Alerts > Open Alerts.

When an alert is initially generated, it will be in the OPEN state. Once a VHQ user has reviewed the generated alerts and has taken the required action (if applicable), then the user must mark these alerts as CLOSED from the Open Alerts screen.

Before you use the Open Alerts Report, ensure that you have set the correct device search criteria from the Device Search.

NOTE: If you have set your device filter to the hierarchy Verifone >> South >> Texas >> Dallas in the Device Search tab, then the data in the Open Alerts Report will be for the devices that are in the hierarchy Verifone >> South >> Texas >> Dallas.

The data from the Open Alerts Report can be exported to an Excel file by clicking the Export to Excel icon.

NOTE: Click on the Device Serial link for an individual alert to view the Device Profile of the relevant device.