The Alert History Report can be used to generate a report of all alerts in the VHQ system. The following filter conditions are available in this Report.
NOTE: Alerts that are in the CLOSED state are automatically purged from the VHQ system after 30 days have elapsed from the date these alerts were generated. Alerts that are in the OPEN state will get automatically purged from the VHQ system after 90 days have elapsed from the date these alerts were generated. Once alerts are generated, it should be reviewed by VHQ users and the status of these alerts should be marked as CLOSED from the Open Alerts screen in the VHQ GUI.
The purge durations given above are configurable values. You can contact VHQ Administrator if you want to change these values or if you want to verify the current purge duration for alerts.
To view alert history:
NOTE: If you have set your device filter to the hierarchy Verifone >> South >> Texas >> Dallas in the Device Search, then the data in the Alert History Report will be for the devices that are in the hierarchy Verifone >> South >> Texas >> Dallas.
Severity of an alert - The severity of the alert can be configured through Administration > Alert Administration option sequence.
Alert notification - An alert notification email can be configured through Administration > User Administration > User Profile option sequence.
Subscribe alerts - At the top-right corner, logged in user can view their details. The Profile option is selected in order to display the User Profile window. To configure email, click Edit Profile and Subscribed Alerts. Enter your email address and then click Save.