Device Diagnostics

Learn more about the Device Diagnostics to schedule actions, view action job status, and view detailed action job status.

 The Diagnostics feature in VHQ can be used only if the VHQ Diagnostics module has been licensed.

You can schedule Downloads, Content and Diagnostic Actions either from Device Search screen or Device Profile.

Device Search Screen:

  1. Select a device or multiple devices.
  2. On Actions window, click Schedule.
    You can select Content, Diagnostic Actions or Downloads action based on the device model type. These schedule options are displayed based on the type of license availed by the customer.
    Manage Diagnostics1

On Schedule Actions screen, select the device and click Schedule or Next. You can select various available actions and schedule them.
Manage Diagnostics2

The VHQ Server automatically collects the diagnostic profile information from all registered devices at a configurable interval, such as once every week. These devices communicate with VHQ Server and sends periodic heartbeat messages at least once a day.

For configuring the interval at which the device, diagnostic profile is sent to the VHQ Server, contact VHQ support representative.

You can also schedule on-demand collection of diagnostic profile for a device.

Device Profile Screen:

  1. Select a device.
  2. Click Schedule button in the Device Profile screen. On the drop-down select the action to perform.
    Manage Diagnostics3


1. Any communication made from the device on Next Contact includes the Status, Events, Maintenance Heartbeat or Heartbeat communication, except the Key Exchange message. For each of this contact from device, if Management Plan is available for the device at that point of time it will be sent to the device.

2. UX Model now supports the listed Diagnostic features in VHQ.

· Get Device Profile

· Get Diagnostics Data

· Get Library Details

· Get OS Config File

· Get OS Logs

· Get User Logs

· List User Files

· Reboot

· Restart Applications

Scheduling Actions

You can schedule diagnostic actions available for the devices. This feature helps you to schedule diagnostic actions for multiple devices.

Prerequisites to use the VHQ Diagnostics feature:

  1. The license for the VHQ Diagnostics module must be obtained from Verifone and then activated.
  2. To use the diagnostic feature in VHQ, the MX8 devices must have RFS18 and SP1 for RFS18 (svcpak-018-01.04) or a higher OS version, and MX9 devices must have 0625 OS (release-20120625) or a higher OS version.
  3. The VHQ Agent version must be 1.03.0007 or a higher version.

You can configure the actions on the next maintenance window, on next contact or on any specific date and time. Selecting the specific date and time for scheduling diagnostic actions provides you with a recurring option.

To schedule diagnostic actions:

  1. Go to Device Management > Device Diagnostics > Schedule Actions.
  2. Click Schedule or Next.

All the devices, displayed under Selected Device(s) tab will be scheduled. You cannot select the devices in the Schedule Actions screen. You should have performed a saved search or advance search to schedule an action to a device.

On Schedule Actions screen, select the available actions and click Schedule.
Schedule Actions

The user can now schedule diagnostic actions for the devices with recurrence option Hourly. You can set the hours for the actions to recur or set the number of occurrences after which the action ends or schedule the action to end at particular date and time.



Job name

Indicates the device job name. This field is auto-populated and mandatory. You can also specify a custom job name.


You can enter values in the tags. The tag indicates the term assigned to the device.

3. Select the Available actions and schedule the actions.

4. ClickRight arrow blue to schedule the action. ClickLeft arrow blueto remove the action from the selected actions pane. You can add a precedence constraint to schedule the actions.

A device in the VHQ must be in Active or Pending Hierarchy Assignment state to perform the diagnostic actions that are listed in the table given below.

The list of available diagnostic actions includes:

Action Name


Get App Parameter Files

VHQ Agent in the device will get the Parameter files and send it to the VHQ Server either during the next heartbeat or the next maintenance window or on the specified date and time.

Get Device Profile

VHQ Agent in the device will get the Device Profile details and send it to the VHQ Server, either during the next heartbeat or the next maintenance window, depending on which one of these two options is selected.

NOTE: The VHQ Server automatically collects the device profile information from all devices in the following scenarios:

a. Each time a device is rebooted.

b. Each time the VHQ Agent performs a key-exchange operation with VHQ Server.

c. Once in 24 hours.

Get Diagnostics Data

VHQ Agent in the device will get the Diagnostic Data details and send it to the VHQ Server, either during the next heartbeat or the next maintenance window, based on which of these two options are selected.

NOTE: The Get Diagnostic Data diagnostic action is supported only if the license for the VHQ Diagnostic module has been activated.

The VHQ Server automatically collects the diagnostic data from all devices, each time a device is rebooted, as well as once every 24 hours.

Get OS Config File

For the Get OS Config file operation, the VHQ Agent will retrieve the following files from the device and upload it to VHQ Server as a zip file. Once this action is completed, click View Result Details link next to this action in the Diagnostic History tab in the Device Profile screen to download this file.

For MX8 devices, the files that are uploaded are: /mnt/sram/config.*

For MX9 devices, the files that are uploaded are: /mnt/flash/config/config.system /mnt/flash/config/ /mnt/flash/config/config.usr1

Get OS Logs

For the Get OS Logs operation, the VHQ Agent will retrieve the following files from the device and upload it to the VHQ Server as a ZIP file. Once this action is completed, click View Result Details link next to this action in the Diagnostic History tab in the Device Profile screen to download this file.

For MX8 devices, the files that are uploaded are: /tmp/dmesg /var/log/messages.* /mnt/sram/messages* /mnt/sram/VHQ/VHQlog* /etc/osupgrade.log /etc/*version.

For MX9 devices, the files that are uploaded are: /tmp/dmesg /tmp/diag_counters /var/log/messages /etc/issue /etc/*version /tmp/package_list /mnt/flash/logs/ /root/crt/certfile.sys /tmp/DUMP-*

NOTE: The VHQ Agent log files are also captured as part of Get OS Logs operation.

Get User Logs

For the Get User Logs operation, the VHQ Agent will retrieve the following files from the device and then upload it to the VHQ Server as a ZIP file. Once this action is completed, click View Result Details link next to this action in the Diagnostic History tab in the Device Profile screen to download this file.

For MX8 the files that are uploaded are: /home/usr1/*.log and /home/usr1/messages*

For MX9 the files that are uploaded are: /home/usr1/logs/*

NOTE: Ensure that the log files created by applications under the /home/usr1 directory have Read permission sets for all users. This is required as the VHQ Agent can read these log files and upload these log files to the VHQ server.

List User Files

For the List user files operation, the VHQ Agent will upload a text file that contains the details of certain user files on the device. Once this action is completed, click on the View Result Details link next to this action in the Diagnostic History tab in the Device Profile screen to download this file.

For MX8 and MX9 devices, the details of all files and folders under the /home/usr1 directory are included in the text file that is uploaded to VHQ Server.


VHQ Agent will reboot the device.

NOTE: If you want to schedule the Reboot or Restart Applications diagnostic actions, please ensure that these actions are scheduled separately and NOT along with other diagnostic actions. Once these actions have been completed, then you can schedule other diagnostic actions for the given device.

EXAMPLE: If you want to schedule the Capture Screen, Get OS Logs and Reboot diagnostic actions for a device, please ensure that you first schedule the Capture Screen and Get OS Logs diagnostic actions and only then schedule the Reboot diagnostic action. Since the VHQ Agent in the device will execute the actions in the order in which the actions were scheduled, the Reboot diagnostic action will be performed after the other two actions and it will all work correctly.

The Reboot diagnostic action must be scheduled separately and NOT along with other diagnostic actions. Once this diagnostic action has been completed, then you can schedule other diagnostic actions for the given device.

5. You can choose the actions to be performed at the following options:

  1. Maintenance Window: The selected action will be scheduled to the devices when they send their next Maintenance Heartbeat message to the VHQ server.
  2. Next Contact: The selected action will be scheduled to the devices when they send their next Heartbeat message to the VHQ server.
  3. Date and Time is provided (which refers to device local date and time), then the selected action will be scheduled at this time, even if it occurs during the business hours of the user.


  • Scheduling multiple diagnostic action features is supported only for the devices with VHQ Agent version 1.06.0007 or higher.
  • Diagnostic actions like Reboot can be performed in any order if the VHQ Agent version of the device is 1.06.0007 or later.
  1. You can schedule recurring diagnostics actions. The options available are None, Hourly, Daily, Weekly or Monthly. You can select from these different actions for each of your recurring actions. The Action Recurrence option is available only when you select the date and time for the available action to be scheduled.
    1. None: Indicates no occurrence of diagnostic actions.
    2. Hourly: Indicates the selected diagnostic action to be scheduled hourly. You can set the hours for the actions to recur or set the number of occurrences after which the action ends or schedule the action to end at particular date and time.
    3. Daily: Indicates the selected diagnostic action to be scheduled every day.
    4. Weekly: Indicates the selected diagnostic action to be scheduled once in a week.
    5. Monthly: Indicates the selected diagnostic action to be scheduled every month.
  1. Click View Results link under Results column to view the status of the devices on the completion of the diagnostic action.
  1. Succeeded Devices: Indicates the list of devices successfully performed this action and it has notified the VHQ Server about the successful completion of this diagnostic action.
  2. Failed Devices: Indicates the list of devices unable to successfully perform this action and notify the VHQ Server.

Diagnostics action can be cancelled after receiving the Heartbeat, and also when it is in recurrence state.

A Diagnostic action with a future action time is treated as two Operation Sets on the device, where the first Operation Set is the Diagnostic action and the second is recurrence. In such a scenario, if the Diagnostic action has started, you can still cancel recurrence operation sets prior to the install time. When you opt to cancel the recurrence operation, then the VHQ Agent will return a status as Success with additional information field set to Cancel Operation Successful.

Once an operation set begins to execute, it cannot be cancelled.

Action Job Status

The Action Job status information specifies the details of the actions. Go to Device Management > Diagnostics > Action Job Status. The Action Job Status includes:




Indicates device serial number.

Device ID

Indicates the device ID.


Indicates the device component.

Hierarchy Path

Indicates the device hierarchy path.


Indicates the device model number.

Job Name

Indicates the device job name.

Job Status

Indicates the job status.


Indicates the device tags.


Indicates the device action(s).

Action(s) Schedule

Indicates the date and time the action is schedule for the device.

Begin Action At

Indicates the action to be performed on next maintenance window, next contact or data and time.


Indicates the recurrence action. None, daily, weekly or monthly.

Created By

Indicates the actions created by.

Created On

Indicates the actions created on


Indicates a link for diagnostic results. Click on View Results link to view the result.

Various Statuses of Diagnostic Jobs are:




Indicates the diagnostics action is in the Active state.

Cancel Requested

Indicates the diagnostics action cancellation requested.


Indicates the diagnostics action is successfully cancelled.


Indicates the diagnostics action is successfully completed.


Indicates the diagnostics action is failed to execute

Schedule Sent

Indicates the diagnostics action schedule is sent to the device.


Indicates the diagnostics action is successfully scheduled.


Indicates the diagnostics action schedule is in progress.


  • The Diagnostic actions, Success and Failure depend on the response sent by the VHQ Agent to the Server.
  • The data pertaining to the diagnostic actions are retained in the VHQ system for a configurable period, and the default data retention period is 365 days. Please contact your VHQ support representative if you prefer to specify a different data retention period, or if you like to verify your current data retention period for the VHQ diagnostic actions.

Detailed Action Status

This feature allows you to view the more detailed status report of diagnostic actions.
Click Device Management > Diagnostics > Detailed Action Status.
The Action Job Status includes:




Indicates device serial number.

Device ID

Indicates the device ID.


Indicates the device component.

Hierarchy Path

Indicates the device hierarchy path.


Indicates the device model number.

Job Name

Indicates the device in action.

Job Status

Indicates the job status.

Device Status

Indicates the status of the device.


Indicates the device action.

Diagnostic Status

Indicates the diagnostic status of the device.

Status Receive Date

Indicates the last time when the status of the job changed.

Action(s) Schedule

Indicates the date and time the action is scheduled for the device.

Action(s) Executed At

Indicates the time during the action executed in the device.

NOTE: There is always a time difference between action schedule and action executed. This gives the user an idea about network delay.

Created By

Indicates the actions created by.

Created On

Indicates the actions created on.

You can also view the device Diagnostic Actions from Device Profile.

  1. Select a device in Device Search.
  2. Click Diagnostic Actions tab in Device profile.
  3. Click Jobs to view the device jobs related details.
  4. Click Details to view the device complete information.