Device Diagnostics - Scheduling Actions

Scheduling Actions

You can schedule diagnostic actions available for the devices. This feature helps you to schedule diagnostic actions for multiple devices.

Prerequisites to use the VHQ Diagnostics feature:

  1. The license for the VHQ Diagnostics module must be obtained from Verifone and then activated.
  2. To use the diagnostic feature in VHQ, the MX8 devices must have RFS18 and SP1 for RFS18 (svcpak-018-01.04) or a higher OS version, and MX9 devices must have 0625 OS (release-20120625) or a higher OS version.
  3. The VHQ Agent version must be 1.03.0007 or a higher version.

You can configure the actions on the next maintenance window, on next contact or on any specific date and time. Selecting the specific date and time for scheduling diagnostic actions provides you with a recurring option.

To schedule diagnostic actions:

  1. Go to Device Management > Device Diagnostics > Schedule Actions.
  2. Click Schedule or Next.

All the devices, displayed under Selected Device(s) tab will be scheduled. You cannot select the devices in the Schedule Actions screen. You should have performed a saved search or advance search to schedule an action to a device.

On Schedule Actions screen, select the available actions and click Schedule.
Schedule Actions

The user can now schedule diagnostic actions for the devices with recurrence option Hourly. You can set the hours for the actions to recur or set the number of occurrences after which the action ends or schedule the action to end at particular date and time.



Job name

Indicates the device job name. This field is auto-populated and mandatory. You can also specify a custom job name.


You can enter values in the tags. The tag indicates the term assigned to the device.

3. Select the Available actions and schedule the actions.

4. ClickRight arrow blue to schedule the action. ClickLeft arrow blueto remove the action from the selected actions pane. You can add a precedence constraint to schedule the actions.

A device in the VHQ must be in Active or Pending Hierarchy Assignment state to perform the diagnostic actions that are listed in the table given below.