Automated Device Software Management - From Device Profile screen

From Device Profile screen

Assigning Software Packages (Direct Assignment at Device Profile)

You can assign a software package to the device through Direct Assignment.

To assign software package:

  1. Select a device or click the device serial number in Serial# column.
  2. Select Software Assignment under Software tab in Device Profile.

The software assignment screen includes:

  • Download Automation: This feature allows you to automatically download the schedule software packages.
    • Enabled: Select the option to enable download automation of software packages to the device.
    • Disabled: Select the option to disable download automation of software packages to the device. However, you can manually download software to the devices. For more information, refer Scheduling Downloads Manually.
  • Assignment Type: This allows you to select the Assignment Type as Reference Set or Packages or None.

You can assign a Reference Set which contains a collection of packages, to the device or assign multiple packages to a device by selecting the Package option; however you can only assign one reference set to a device.

  1. Selecting Assignment Type as Reference Set includes Direct Assignment and Inherit from Hierarchy.
    • Direct Assignment: The Direct Assignment option lists the reference sets which device qualifies, and their corresponding packages along with the Active or Inactive status. You can select a reference set and directly assigned to the device. Click Save to apply the changes.

NOTE: Any Reference Set with the Device Attributes criteria added, when used particularly in Direct Assignment, the criteria part will not be applicable to the device. Only the Download part is applicable. However, if the same Reference Set is assigned to a Hierarchy, the attributes criteria part will be applicable.

    • Inherit from Hierarchy: Selecting this option allows you to directly inherit the reference set assigned at the hierarchy. Click Save to apply the changes. For more information,

      refer Associating Software (Reference Set) to Hierarchy Node.

    • Inherit from Hierarchy: Selecting this option allows you to directly inherit the reference set assigned at the hierarchy. Click Save to apply the changes. For more information,

      refer Associating Software (Reference Set) to Hierarchy Node.

  • Selecting Assignment Type as Packages. You can select multiple packages from the available packages list and set the order of precedence.
  • Selecting Assignment Type as None will delete the existing assignments of the device.