How does VHQ evaluates the Reference set that qualifies for a device?
In Auto boarding (XML Import), by default the Reference set is mapped to Hierarchy. If the user wants to map Reference set to Direct Assignment, then the user has to specify it explicitly.
In Direct Assignment VHQ validates the reference set that qualifies and lists based on the model type, and the user has to assign any one among the qualified reference sets.
After the reference set is assigned, VHQ validates:
- Whether the reference set is active or inactive.
- If Active – it checks for the device attributes conditions that are set.
- If there are multiple device-attributes set for a reference set, all the attributes should qualify against the device else the reference set gets disqualified.
If the user has selected Software Assignment as inherit hierarchy option, then:
- It checks if any reference set(s) are assigned directly to the device’s hierarchy, if any reference sets are assigned then validates if it is qualified.
- If Inherit from parent hierarchy option is set to true, then the reference sets assigned to its immediate parent hierarchy also gets qualified. The same operation continues if Inherit from parent hierarchy is set to true for all its parent nodes until it reaches its root node.
- If the child node and the parent node has the same reference set assigned, then VHQ validates and takes only one reference set.
- The reference set(s) assigned to device’s hierarchy gets qualified first followed by the reference set(s) assigned to its parent hierarchies. Each qualified reference set would be validates against the device attributes set.
- If there are multiple device-attributes set for a reference set, all the attributes should qualify against the device else the reference set gets disqualified.
NOTE: When multiple devices are under a hierarchy node, the device attributes of the reference set(s) qualified for that hierarchy will be validated against each device.