Managing System Configurations - Scheduler Configuration

Scheduler Configuration

You can configure the scheduler in the system.

To configure scheduler:
1. Go to Administration > Estate Administration > System Configuration.
2. Select Scheduler from the Category dropdown.

  1. Select the config name and click Edit user to edit.
  2. Enter the config value and click Tick grey.
  3. Click Restoreto restore the default value.
Config Name Description
Slot Scheduling Poll Timer Indicates the poll timer configured to invoke the Slot Scheduling Service. The value is in minutes and must be in the range 1-5.
Average HeartBeat Frequency Indicates the average heart beat frequency. The value is in minutes and must be in the range 15-1440.
Free Time slot Search Timeout Indicates the number of days to search for available free time slots, if no end date is selected during manual software schedule.