The following VHQ configurations are NOT done from VHQ GUI, rather done directly in the VHQ database or in some VHQ configuration files during setting up VHQ for a customer.
Config Name | Config Value | Description |
Max Retry Counter | 5 | Maximum number of attempts for sending an email. The value can range from 3 to 10. |
User Mail Generation Poll Timer | 6 | Poll time configuration to generate user subscribed alerts in user mail queue. The value is in minutes and it can range from 5 to 1440. |
High Alerts Mail Generation Poll Timer | 5 | Poll time configuration for high severity alerts mail notification. The value is in minutes and it can range from 5 to 1440. |
Medium Alerts Mail Generation Poll Timer | 60 | Poll time configuration for medium severity alerts mail notification. The value is in minutes and it can range from 5 to 1440. |
Max Devices Per Job | 10000 | Maximum number of devices can be scheduled in a single operation from UI. The value can range from 2000 to 10000. |
VxSubPackagesExceptionForManifestFile | | Comma separated list of sub packages in a zip bundle with exception for not containing manifest file. |
Application Name | Verifone HQ | Full name of the application to be shown in mail. |
Short Application Name | VHQ | Short name of the application to be shown in mail. |
Sender Name | Verifone HQ Admin | VHQ Sender name details to be sent in a mail. |
UploadFile Endpoint Address | | Service End Point for uploading files from Device. |
GUI Session Timeout | 60 | User is allowed to use the GUI for a maximum of <Configurable> value. After this user will be automatically logged out of the GUI. The value is in minutes and it can range from 20 to 1440. |
Software Package File Types | *.tgz,*.tar,*.bintbl,*.zip | Software Package types supported by VHQ. |
Content Package File Types | *.avi,*.mpg,*.wav,*.jpg,*.png,*.tiff,*.eet,*.mp3,*.frm,*.tgz | File types that are supported for uploading Content files/packages in VHQ. |
ThumbnailCommandArgs | -ss 00:00:03 -vframes 1 -f image2 -vcodec mjpeg -s 320*240 | Thumbnail generation command for ffmpeg.exe. |
PreviewCommandArgs | -t 30 -y -ar 44100 | Preview generation command for ffmpeg.exe. |
Supported Video File Types | .mpg,.avi | File types supported for the generation of preview/thumbnails. |
Supported Image File Types | .png,.jpg,.tiff | File types supported for Images, This setting is used to replace the thumbnail URL the same as Preview URL. |
Supported Audio File Types | .wav,.mp3 | File types supported for generating preview of audio files. |
Location Identifier XPATH | /Identifier/CustomParam[@Name='StoreID']/@Value> | XML Path for finding the location identifier. |
Max Schedules Per Job | 10 | Maximum number of Schedules allowed per job. The value can range from 5 to 20. |
IncomingIpHeader | X-Forwarded-For | Header that stores the source IP address returned from LBR |
VxFilesToIncludeInBundle | vxossign.crt,pkg_inst.sdm,,pkg_inst.mandoes,vfi.p7s,vfi.ped,*.mft | Comma separated list of files to be included in the new bundle prepared during Download Automation. |
Max Retry Counter For Plan Generation | 5 | Maximum Retry Counter For Plan Generation |
External Package File Types | *.tgz,*.tar,*.bintbl,*.zip | External Package types supported by VHQ. |