Managing System Configurations - Schedules and Timers Configuration

Schedules and Timers Configuration

You can configure schedules and timers in the system.

To configure schedules and timers:
1. Go to Administration > Estate Administration > System Configuration.
2. Select Schedules and Timers from the Category drop-down.

  1. Select the config name and click Edit userto edit.
  2. Enter the config value and click Tick grey.
  3. Click Restoreto restore the default value.
Config Name Description
Alert Generation Poll Timer Indicates the poll time configuration for generating alerts. The value is in minutes and must be in the range 5-1440.
Mail Notification Poll Timer Indicates the poll time configuration for mail notification. The value is in minutes and must be in the range 5-1440.
Server Event Generation Poll Timer Indicates the poll time configuration for generating server events. The value is in minutes and must be in the range 5-1440.
Common Mail Generation Poll Timer Indicates the poll time configuration for common mail processing. The value is in minutes and must be in the range 5-1440.
Low Alerts Mail Generation Time Indicates the scheduled time for generating low alerts mail.
Maximum Daily Recurrence for Scheduling Indicates the maximum number of occurrences allowed daily. The value must be in the range 30-365.
Maximum Weekly Recurrence for Scheduling Indicates the maximum number of occurrences allowed weekly. The value must be in the range 4-52.
Maximum Monthly Recurrence for Scheduling Indicates maximum number of occurrences allowed monthly. The value must be in the range 1-12.
Maximum Hourly Recurrence for Scheduling Indicates the maximum number of occurrences allowed hourly. The value must be in the range 1-24.