Learn more about parameter configuration, parameter templates, editing paramter values and validating parameters that are downloaded to the device.
Applications on Device comprise of a set of executables and configuration files. Configuration files store the Application parameters.
The Parameter Management feature makes it easier for the user to configure, edit, download and manage the values of these application parameters. The user defines, configure values and download the application (including OS) parameters to the devices.
Parameter Management includes:
- Setup/definition phase that involves setting up all pre-requisite configurations to enable Parameter Management.
- Configuration of Software Packages and Applications.
- Importing Parameter Definitions for the Applications.
- Preparing and Importing Parameter Form View Files for the Applications.
- Configuring Parameter Templates for the Applications.
- Configuration phase that involves identifying the Parameters (and their values) that need to managed for specific devices. It includes:
- Assigning Software Packages to Devices.
- Assigning Application Parameter Templates to Devices.
- Configuring the Parameter values for specific Applications for specific Devices as required.
- Downloads/Synchronize phase VHQ evaluates and builds the list of parameters that need to be downloaded in the appropriate format and downloads them to the device.