Parameter Management - 3. Parameter Definition File

Parameter Definition File

ParameterElements > ParameterFile

ParameterFile > Name

ParameterFile > Format

ParameterElements > ParameterFile > Container

Container > Name

Alternate option: XSD has provision to provide documentation. Explore if we can use the same.

XML Elements

Or Attribute



Parent XML Element that contains one more ParameterFile elements.

Each ParameterFile element defines details of one Parameter File


Version of the Parameter Definition file


Details of Parameter file on Device.

In case Application stores its parameters in multiple Parameter files, you can have multiple Parameter File sections.


Name of the Parameter file on the Device.


Format of the parameter file.

POINT- For POINT customers. VHQ downloads only the changed Parameters.

Config.sys - For Vx devices that store their parameters in different GIDs. VHQ downloads all the Parameters that are part of the Parameter File section.

Config.$$$ - For Vx devices that store their parameters in different GIDs. VHQ downloads only the changed Parameters.

ADKH - For Applications that store their parameters using ADK Information Services in Hierarchical format. VHQ downloads all the Parameters that are part of the Parameter File section.

ADK - For Applications that store their parameters using ADK Information Services in Tabular or flat format. VHQ downloads only the changed Parameters.


Multiple Parameters can be grouped into groups, categories or sections using Containers for better organization. Containers can be organized in a hierarchical structure.


Name of the Container.

For Parameter file with Config.sys or Config.$$$ format

There should be one main Container (under the ParameterFile)

with name,

GID:<Group Id where the parameters should be downloaded>

Example: GID:7 – to download the parameters to GID 7



User can set the Application GID for an Application using the VHQ GUI.

The value as specified in the VHQ GUI for this application will be used in place of $APPGID$

Example: If an Application has $APPGID$ set to 7, the parameters will be downloaded to GID 7




Name of the Parameter.


Default value of the parameter.


For Parameter file with ADKH or ADK format – this section should contain the complete XML content of the ADK format file.

NOTE: Applications that use ADK Information Services (for storing their parameters on Device) are shipped with Schema file and Format file – that define the structure of Parameters and structure of the parameter file respectively