Parameter Management - Editing Parameter for Multi-Merchant

Editing Parameter for Multi-Merchant

Editing parameters for Multi-Merchant and card ranges across all VHQ devices can be done by:
  • Importing an XML File

Editing Parameters for Multi-Merchant - Importing an XML File

You can add or modify instances or merchants through xml file. These xml files are prepared by Customer Administrators, Regional Support representatives or VHQ Support personnel.To import an xml file:Go to Device Management > Add Devices.Select Add Device via File Import.Browse for the xml file and click Import. The import file is successfully processed.

Editing Parameters for Multi-Merchant - VHQ GUI

To edit parameters from the GUI, the user must upload the .vpdx and .vpfx file.You must do the following:You must check for the container level “MultiInstance” attribute set to “Yes” in .vpdx file
<Container Name="Merchant" MultiInstance="Yes" OutFilePrefix = "adk">
You can upload multiple levels of .vpfx file to the application assigned to the device. However, you must check for the parent ID attribute, which must be present in while uploading vpfx file.AllowAdd, AllowDelete, AllowEdit when set to True, allows the user to create, delete and edit instance.AllowSequnece when set to True, allows the user to set the ordering for the merchant. On deletion of any merchant(s) the preceding merchant will take the sequence order.
<vhq:ParameterElements xmlns:vhq="" version="2.0" Name="Currency" Parent="General" AllowAdd ="True" AllowDelete="True" AllowEdit="True" AllowSequence="True">
On uploading the vpdx and vpfx file, assign the application to the device. For more information on assigning application to the device, refer Software Assignment. Once uploaded you can edit parameters in the GUI and create instances or merchants.To edit parameter:Select a device or search for a deviceOn the Device Profile screen, click Device Details > Parameter tab.Click to edit the parameters.On Edit Parameter for Application window, click on the merchant node to view the list of merchants configured. You can also add new merchant, edit merchant specific parameters and delete an existing merchant. The merchant is identified by Merchant Id and Name.You can also add a merchant.To add a merchant:On the Edit Parameter for Application window, click .Enter the Merchant ID, Merchant Name, Address and other necessary details in the fields. You can also restore the default value.Click Save.Click Add. The new instance is added to the application successfully.You can also edit a merchant.To edit a merchant:Select the merchant and click .Edit the value and click Save.You can also delete a merchant.To delete a merchant:Select the merchant and click .Edit the value and click Save.Click to set the order of merchant sequence. You can manage multiple levels in the Edit parameter for application screen.On creation or modification of the merchant the parameters are downloaded to the device.