Parameter Synchronization (Download) to Devices
The Downloads or Synchronize phase involves evaluating and building the list of parameters that is to be downloaded in the appropriate format and download. The system checks for the parameters at the device level and configures at VHQ Server. The system evaluates the listed parameters and matches for the values. If the matching criteria are matched, the synchronization takes place.If the synchronization fails, the system prepares the package, bundles the applications, Parameter Form File, Parameter Templates and is sent to the device with appropriate GID.Once the user has configured the Parameters and Saved (or Activated) the changes, VHQ evaluates, builds and downloads a Parameter file – that contains the Parameters and their values in appropriate format (based on Parameter Definition file).
NOTE: VHQ supports parameter downloads only through Automated downloads.
Evaluate the Parameters and their values
VHQ builds and downloads the parameters with the values in the below order of precedence.Parameter values configured at the Device Level.Parameter values configured for Parameter Templates.Default Parameter values as defined in PDX.Parameter values configured for a Device take highest precedence. If not configured for the Device, Parameter values configured for Parameter Templates will be considered.For the parameters not configured for Device and PT, the Default values defined in PDX will be set.
Identify the Parameter change set
As part of Automated downloads, VHQ detects if a software update is required for a device and sends the required Download Instructions (known as Management Plan) to the device. The Device then, downloads the required updates.Along with every Software update, VHQ sends the required Download Instructions to download all the parameters of the all the applications contained in the Software update.The device sends a confirmation indicating that parameters were successfully downloaded and applied to the device. VHQ records this date and time as Synchronized Date.After sometime, VHQ user configures/edits the parameters for the device and saves (or Activates) the changes. VHQ records this as Activation Date.VHQ identifies the list of parameters that have Activation Date higher than Synchronized Date – as changed parameters.
Build the Parameter File
VHQ builds a Parameter file to download to the device. Parameter file may contain only changed parameters or all the parameters based on the capability of the Application/OS on device to consume the Parameter file.The format and content (all or only changed Parameters) of the Parameter file are determined by the value of Parameter File > Format in Parameter Definition File. Parameter files with Config.sys and Config.$$$ format is compressed as a .ZIP file. .ZIP file will have one folder per GID with Folder name set as the value of GID.Parameter files with ADKH format are built based on the format structure provided in Parameter File > OutFileFormat section.The parameters can be downloaded to the device in different formats. The format in which the parameters can be downloaded is mentioned in PDX file. The different format to which it can be downloaded are POINT, ADKH, CONFIG$$$ and CONFIGSYS.
Download and Verify
VHQ prepares the Download instructions to download Parameter files.In case a Package has 2 Applications and each Application has 2 Parameter files, the Management Plan will contain instructions to download:Software Package.Parameter File#1 for Application#1, Parameter File#2 for Application#1.Parameter File#1 for Application#2, Parameter File#2 for Application#2.VHQ sends the Download Instructions to the device.Device processes the Download Instructions to download each of the files. The device applies the Parameters and sends the status information.VHQ receives the status and updates the synchronization status.User can see the Parameter Synchronization status for each Application on Device and also the detailed Synchronization status for each Parameter File.
Parameter Download support for Reference Set Assignment
This feature is enhanced to support downloading of parameters to the devices where the Assignment Type is Reference Set. The Reference Set is either assigned directly to a device or inherited from the Hierarchy.The Device Profile screen displays the Reference Set Name assigned to the device. With the Reference Set assignment, the users are able to edit the parameters in the Device Profile screen.
NOTES:No Parameter Upgrade support is provided for the Parameters inherited through Reference sets.No Parameter Template support is provided at RS level.