VHQ provides a user friendly interface for editing application parameters using Form file. Application parameters stored on Device can have cryptic names. The parameter values can be of specific types (string, numeric) and must have the permitted set of values.
For each parameter in Parameter Definition file, the Parameter Form file defines:
NOTE: For editing the Parameters of an Application using VHQ GUI, the Parameter form file should be configured for the Application.
PFX is typically prepared by Customer Administrators, Regional Support representatives or VHQ Support personnel.
For more details about the Parameter form file, refer to the Parameter Form File section.
To configure Parameter Form file for an Application:
None: Indicates no parameter form view file is selected.
EXAMPLE: The user has imported Parameter Form view file for Application App1 version 1.0. Now, there is a new version of the Application available App1 1.1. App1 1.1 has some issue fixes and there are no changes to the Parameters. In this case, you can reuse the Parameter Form view file which was already set up for App1 1.0.