Learn about the status of the device, how the status changes during the Device Life Cycle, and in particular blacklisted and deleted devices.
A device in VHQ can have the following status values.
- Active – Indicates that the devices are added in the customer’s estate and boarded in the correct hierarchy, and the status is active.
- Pending Registration – Indicates that the devices are added in the customer’s estate. A device in this state is not yet registered with the VHQ Server. When devices are pre-boarded in VHQ, such devices are set to be in "Pending Registration" state. Please do not manually change a device to "Pending Registration" state, unless you are advised to do so by the VHQ Support team.
- Pending Hierarchy Assignment – Indicates that the devices are added in the customer’s estate, but hierarchy assignment is pending. The hierarchy can be assigned either through manual hierarchy assignment or automatic assignment through IP Address range mapping. By default, these devices are assigned to the root hierarchy level. These devices are sending heartbeats and communicating with the VHQ server.
- Inactive – Indicates that the devices are added in the Customer’s Estate but the devices are inactive. This is when a device is out for repair or in the spare pool, but expected to be online in the future, and has been marked as "Inactive" from VHQ GUI. When such devices communicate with the VHQ Server in the future, the device status will automatically change to either "Active" or "Pending Hierarchy Assignment". Also, the device will be automatically moved to the correct node in the hierarchy, if the "automatic device movement" feature is enabled in VHQ.
- Delete - Indicates that the devices are removed from the estate. A record of this device is retained for audit purpose. The device profile of this device is viewable from the "Deleted Devices" feature in VHQ GUI. Any heartbeat from such devices will be ignored, and the Server will generate the "Deleted Device Contacting" alert. The device is not expected, neither to be online nor to connect with the VHQ Server in the future. The device application parameters are retained, If a device is accidentally deleted, then it is possible to undelete it from the "Deleted Devices" list in VHQ GUI.
- Blacklist - Indicates that the devices are permanently removed from the estate. A record of this device is retained for audit purpose. The device profile of such device is viewable from the "Deleted Devices" feature in VHQ GUI. Any heartbeat from devices in the "Blacklisted" state will be ignored, and the Server will generate the "Blacklisted Device Contacting" alert. The device is not expected, neither to be online nor to connect with the VHQ Server in the future. If a device is accidentally blacklisted, it is NOT possible to undo this operation from VHQ GUI, and you need to contact Verifone VHQ support team to undo this operation.