Device Life Cycle - Status Change during Device Life Cycle

Status Change during Device Life Cycle

 The status of a device will change during its life cycle as shown below:

Device Registration via Auto Registration

1. Assign an IP address range, or location ID to hierarchy. 

2. Load the VHQ agent on device (and on POS if applicable).

3. The device calls VHQ Server.

4. VHQ matches device the IP address or location ID to hierarchy information.

5. The device auto assigned to hierarchy as "ACTIVE".

Device Auto Registration can be used when the:

1. The IP address of the store identified by the hierarchy is within the IP address range.

2. Location ID provided by the application on the device to VHQ. A store number is an example of a location ID.

3. If no IP address match found, the device is assigned to "Pending Hierarchy Assignment" state and placed in the root hierarchy.

4. The VHQ user can manually change the device state to "Active" or assign hierarchy to automatically change the device state to "Active".

Device Registration via Pre-boarding

1. The VHQ device is uploaded, device is assigned to "Pending Registration" state.

2. The VHQ Server places the device in "Active" state in pre-assigned hierarchy when device registers with VHQ Server.

NOTE:  The user can turn off Auto Boarding and use only pre-boarding.