Device Life Cycle - Swapped Devices

Swapped Devices

The devices with the device ID has an option to enable for swap. This feature is useful when the device has to be sent for maintenance, and as a back-up another device is provided to the user with the same device ID. The devices can be swapped even if they are deleted provided if they are enabled for swap.

Enabling the Device for Swap

The Device ID is associated with a device. If VHQ server receives a message from another device that is trying to use the same Device ID to communicate with VHQ server, the VHQ server detects it as a Swap request, as a new device is trying to take over the Device ID that is currently being used by a different device in the VHQ server.

If the Enabled for Swap option in the VHQ GUI Device Profile, is NOT enabled for the device in VHQ server that is currently using the given Device ID, the VHQ server does not accept the message from the new device that is trying to use the same Device ID. The VHQ server generates the Unauthorized Device Swap Request alert.

When a VHQ customer wants to swap out an existing device in VHQ with a new device, the Enabled for Swap option in the VHQ GUI Device Profile must be checked (enabled) for the existing device. If this is done, the VHQ server accepts the registration request from another device using the same Device ID, and the original device using the Device ID will be in Swapped Out state, and can be viewed in the Swapped-Out Devices section of the Device Management tab of VHQ GUI.

Before you enable the device for swap, you must set the Swap Approval Required configuration in Administration > System Configuration for True.

To enable or disable the device for Swap:
  1. Search the device for a specific Device Serial number in the Device Search/Filter.  
  2. On the Device Profile, check the Enabled for Swap.